Am I Being Petty? Man Who Broke Up With Girlfriend Over Neck Of Chicken


Guys please come and see o. This guys who broke up with his girlfriend for giving him neck of chicken 🍗 🐓 needs advice 😂😹😹😂🍗🍗🍗

Read below:

“Please I need the house to judge this for me especially the men.

Most of my friends are saying I acted childish and petty like a woman.

I just broke up with my girlfriend because she gave me the neck of chicken and ate the laps. I have dated my girlfriend for 3years now and she knows how I have been struggling and managing my life until I got my new job. I wanted to marry her until she acted the way she did last week.i gave her money 10k to cook soup and stew,after cooking this girl served me and gave me the neck of chicken, my pain was that we bought a whole life chicken, and she put the laps and wings for herself and gave me the neck . That was a very big slap to my face and an insult, meaning if I marry her she will starve me. So I just Called her and told her it is over between us, and when I told her what she did she said I had no excuse, I should just open up to her that I have another girl. I am serious it was the neck of chicken she gave me that annoyed me and she did not even apologize she was still claiming right.

So people judge for me,especially men in the house,how will you feel if your girl acted like this without apologies”

Source: Break or Make up

Do leave your comments.

  1. Lionheart says

    The girl didn’t love him, that’s all. I even asked ladies in my household and they say the same thing and the guy is absolutely right for breaking up with the gluttonic girl.

  2. Alowonle says

    He did the right thing n

  3. Mannyxander says

    Hahahahahaha… this is f***king hilarious, abeg he did the right thing, that lady has spirit of witches inside her.. To say she is selfish and self centered is an understatement.

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