Beware!!! Do Not Employ This Lady As Nanny/Househelp/ Salesgirl(Photos)
A good friend and blog reader has narrated how the lady pictured below identified as Blessing Anthony stole from her while under her employment as househelp. Read below :

This is a personal and 100% true story. Please help me post even its only beneficial to her future employers.
Please help if you know this girl or know where she works or lives. Attached to this post are pictures of Blessing Anthony.
I employed Blessing Anthony in december 2015 as a househelp. She was very helpful around the house, resourceful and hardworking. She worked so well that I treated her as a member of my family. She seemed honest and straightforward at that time.
In March 2016 I was preparing to travel for medical purposes. She helped me run around to get some things I needed for my trip and I also made plans for her to go to catering school for the 3 months that I planned to be away from the country ( so she knew I was travelling and the length of time I would be away).
I was to travel on the 19th of march 2016. As I always did I called Blessing when I woke up that morning to alert her that I was awake and she could come to the main house (she stayed in the bq) but I noticed that her phone was switched off. She later came in and I asked her why her phone was off, she said it spoilt last night. I found it weird because I had spoken to her the previous day too, so I asked her to bring it so I could see what was wrong. 30 minutes later she still hadn’t returned, so I went to search for her and I found that she had left the doors open, the keys on the doors and she was not anywhere around. I confirmed from the security men that she had taken a bike and rushed out to ‘run an errand’.
At this point I was upset, wondering why she would go out when she was supposed to be helping me pack my boxes and prepare for my trip that morning. I got back into the house and asked my husband to give me the money for my trip that he had kept in the house the day before. It was then that we discovered that she had taken the money. We drove out in opposition directions to try to find her but she was gone.
Later that night at about 10pm she returned to the house (I had travelled before she returned), she didn’t know my husband wasn’t going on the trip with me. God alone knows what she planned to do when she came back. She was arrested. She told the police that she had been jazzed and forced to steal the money from the house and bring it to certain people. I didn’t believe the story but the Police people (ONIRU station) believed it and actually encouraged my husband to let her go because there was no way she would refund the money.
Let me clearly state here that I let it go at this time but when I spoke to her on the phone I told her I’d need to see her when I get back because I wanted to understand what truly happened and I couldn’t with the time difference and all that.
I got back recently and contacted her, I asked her to come to the house to meet with me, she agreed to this but turned off the phone after the conversation.l haven’t been able to reach her since then. I also called her elder sister who insulted me, called me names, claimed her sister never stole and even said I took the money and tried to frame her sister up. She has stopped taking my calls. The turn of events has made me eager to get to the root of this matter.
I believe this is her standard mode of operations, I also believe she planned and executed the theft knowingly and I’ve heard it has happened to a lot of employers with other nannies. She may be working for someone else who doesn’t know at this moment. She may have stolen money from me but what about people who have to keep children in her care?
Please if anyone has seen this girl, or knows how she can be reached kindly contact me on 01-2915705 . More importantly do not employ her and be careful with who you employ no matter how nice they seem.
Her number is 07037697427.
Blessings sister’s number.+234 806 319 9631.
Thank you.
Blessing you are finished!
Serious, this looks like blackmail, going to an extent of publishing her certificate of both origin and school, I something else. She might be a victim of 419. This girl has right to sue the publisher for this. They would have taken her to curt at worst. But I am not in support of blessing any way. May God help us.