Endohedral Fullerenes, The World’s Most Expensive Substance That Cost $61 Trillion Per KG


The most expensive substance in the world is (endohedral fullerenes) which has an estimated worth of $61Trillion per Kilogram. One-third of a strand of human hair worth of the substance is $36,000.
This substance was made by scientists for NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration) which deal in space travel.


First discovered in 1985, endohedral fullerenes are spherical carbon nanostructures that consist of a sturdy fullerene cage made from 60 carbon atoms, inside which the atoms of non-metals or simple molecules, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and helium, are trapped.
They cost so much because of its power. A microscope particle could power a machine for a lifetime and currently is illegal for purchase because of its negative use – to produce atomic bombs.

  1. lionheart says

    It is well.

  2. Mannyxander says

    This is incredible, Oya were are the oloshos that love diamonds and gold because of thei value, unto this one I guess.

    Manny the long lost MDB’er

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