How To Read Your Palm To Tell Your Future And Fortune



Reading the Palm Lines

Reading the palm lines is not as easy as it may seem. It needs proper knowledge behind Palmistry. The palm reader must know the three main lines in palm reading. These are the heart line, life line and head line. You must know how these lines work in reading the palm lines.
Below are some guidelines in reading the palm lines for the three major ones.



Find the heart line. One may locate it by finding the top line in one’s palm. It extends to you middle or index finger up to your smallest finger.
Know where the heart line starts. If it is underneath the index finder( finger you point with), it means that you are happy with your love life. If it is underneath the middle finger, it means you don’t believe in love. However, if it falls between the two fingers, you tend to give away your heart too easy.
The length of the line must also be observed. A shorter line means that you are more concerned with a sexual relationship than in romance.The straightness of the heart line indicates of having the ability to control your emotions. The curvier it is, the more emotional the person becomes.

Head Line


The headline is located at the middle of the palm. It is below the heart line and goes across the palm.
The length of the head line indicates how mentally stable a person is. If the head line is not very long, the person is more interested in the physical rather than the mental .The curviness of the head line shows how a person thinks. A curvy head line indicates that the person doesn’t like paying attention to detail while a straight line displays one’s deep reasoning.
Broken spots in the headline mean one’s indecisiveness. It means inconsistency about how a person thinks or decides.

Life line


The life line is found below the heart and the head line. It starts at the edge of the palm and extend down to one’s palm.
The length of the life line indicates the possible length of one’s life.The depth the life line displays one’s health condition. If the lines are deeper than the usual, it indicates good health.
Deeper lines provide one the information of being healthier than those with fainter lines. A fainter line indicates illness and diseases. In reading the palm line, one must be able to count the lines across this line. If one has several lines, it shows that he/she has an enthusiastic view in life i.e loves to live life to the fullest. It also shows the vitality of the surroundings around you.If there are breaks in one’s life line, one should be prepared with sudden changes. These breaks involve drastic life changing events that may occur at some point. It could be in a positive or negative way.

Another major thing people love to know about is their fortune. Hence the MONEY LINE

In palm reading there exist money lines. They are upright lines locating under the base of the little finger.

If the lines are many, deep clear and straight, it shows you are smart, good at investing and could make a fortune
. In addition, karma is helping you in life and you could both gain fame and wealth.
The waved striped money lines show your fortune in wealth is not stable in life and you may have a lot of troubles in business or career. If you want to achieve success, it needs more effort to improve yourself in character and decisions.
The intermittent money lines often indicate bad wealth fortune. You will meet many difficulties in career or business management. In addition, if you are stubborn and inpatient in personality, you may end up having no ability to earn money. 

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