Deadly ‘Viagra’ Spiders That Can Cause 4-Hour Erections
The Brazilian Wandering Spider is the world’s most venomous spider, which can kill a human in under an hour but before you die,your private part will stand for at least four hours!
Studies show that the bite of the Brazilian Wandering Spider can also give a man a painful four-hour erection – its venom is currently being studied for use in erectile dysfunction treatments.

It appears in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s most venomous spider.Their Greek name Phoneutria actually means ‘murderess’ – an indication of their deadly bite.

They are known as the wandering spider because they do not build webs, but instead walk the jungle floor at night looking for prey.
Brazilian wandering spiders are nocturnal, and so find places to hide during the day.
This is why they are so dangerous, because they hide in houses and cars, where they are easily disturbed by humans.
They may be considered the most toxic spider, but they are not the biggest which are Tarantula’s.Their leg-span reaches up to five inches.When the spiders are defending themselves, they lift their body up on their hind legs in a defensive display.
The venom causes extreme pain and inflammation, loss of muscle control and breathing problems, resulting in paralysis and eventual asphyxiation.