Vaginal Hygiene Mistakes You Might Be Making


Practicing vaginal hygiene is definitely important for the overall health of women. The good news is that vaginas are self-cleaning. Where things get more complicated is that there are so many products out there saying otherwise — that we need tochange the smell of our vaginas, or somehow alter their natural states. This is not only a low-down marketing ploy, but it can also cause some pretty unpleasant side effects, which (not to speak on its behalf but …) the female private part will not like. All au naturale rants aside, how do you make sure your special parts stay as healthy as possible? Here are the big mistakes to avoid.

1. You’re Wiping Back To Front

Here’s hoping that someone in your life told you early on to wipe front to back. But if you missed the memo, learn this practice right now. Why? Your vagina and butt both have bacteria living in them, all of which are important to the overall functioning of those areas, but separately. The bacteria in your vagina are not the same as the ones in your butt. You do not want to get butt bacteria in your pussy! It can cause all sorts of problems, which I’ll get into below. The same goes for if you’re playing around in both of those areas sexually — assign a hand to each, or wash your hands / naughty bits / toys between sessions.

2. You’re Using Scented Soap

While vaginas are technically self-cleaning, sometimes you want to give them a bit of extra help. It’s totally fine to soap off your vulva and labia (the external parts of your privates ) when you’re cleaning the rest of your body. However, make sure that you’re using unscented soap. Soaps or cleaners that are perfumed can mess with your normal, healthy balance. And the same goes for scented vaginal wipes and vaginal deodorants.

3. You’re Douching

Do not douche. Seriously, don’t do it.
The word ”douche” is French for ”wash” or ”soak.”It is a method to wash out the vagina, usually with a mixture of water and vinegar. Douches that are sold in drugstores and supermarkets contain antiseptics and fragrances. A douche comes in a bottle or bag and is sprayed through a tube upward into the vagina. Douching is supposed to “clean out” your vaginal canal, but we now know that your pussy already does that on its own! All douches do is mess with the natural pH balance of your vagina, flushing out the good bacteria that live in there whose job it is to maintain your vaginal health. If you’re experiencing unpleasant vaginal odors that you want to get rid of, go see a doctor to find out the underlying cause. All a douche will do is mask the scent and probably make matters way worse.

4. You’re Not Swapping Condoms

Having penetrative sex can bring bacteria and viruses from the outside world and from your partner’s body inside you. Barrier protection like condoms protects you from these sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV, and can even help against infections that are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact (such as genital herpes and genital warts). But it’s also absolutely critical to change condoms if you’re switching between vaginal and anal play — remember that you want to make sure that the bacteria living  in your butt don’t get into your vag.

5. Your Diet Isn’t Balanced

What you put in your mouth actually has a direct correlation to how your vertical smells/ feels. If you want to treat your privates right, make sure to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet of nutritious foods. Additionally, there are certain foods that you can consume to help specific vaginal problems. For instance, unsweetened cranberry juice, yogurt, and apple cider vinegar are great to combat or even prevent a yeast infection, and soy may help with vaginal dryness.

6. Your Underwear Is Too Tight (Or Wet)

Your vagina likes it best when it’s dry  and has room to breathe. That’s because the bacteria you don’t want in there likes it warm and moist. You can help out byrocking cotton undies and avoiding anything super tight all up in your bits. It’s also important to get out of sweaty or otherwise wet panties or bathing suit bottoms as soon as possible so you can dry out.

7. You’re Not Changing Tampons and Pads Often Enough

Speaking of keeping things dry, change your pads and tampons regularly so they don’t become a feeding ground for bacteria. Keeping sodden pads near your vagina makes things warm and moist — just the way bacteria loves it. And don’t wear pads when you’re not on your period to catch your usual discharge, because it will just warm everything up.
Hope these tips were helpful. Cheers and do have a wonderful weekend ahead!

  1. Bomi says

    Thanks for the info, I’ll share it with my love ones…

  2. Lionheart says

    Thanks Moji

  3. Ade says


  4. Ade says

    Informative,thanks Moji.

  5. Mannyxander says

    Hmmm.. this would be beneficial to our female folks.

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