What To Do If You EVER Get Kidnapped


Most of us may never get kidnapped in our lives, but just try to read this  article about kidnapping survival tips because you can never be too careful.

To defend yourselves completely from this certainty, you could hire some security expert with a South African accent and forearms thicker than your neck to train you in kidnapping-survival techniques or to be your bodyguard, but this training is expensive, often meant for executives, foreign aid workers, or wealthy blonde teens. So what are the rest of us to do?
Collect tips off the Internet. I did just that, and gathered the hottest, freest tips on surviving a kidnapping I could find.

So without further ado here are some crucial tips that may just saye your life.

-Do Your Homework

As we’ll see in later tips, understanding your kidnappers and what’s motivating them is key to surviving a kidnapping. But you don’t have to wait until you’re kidnapped to begin this learning process. You can probably guess who might be kidnapping you before it even happens, unless you’re wildly unpopular among many different groups.

If you’re an executive working in a country full of dignitaries, you can learn who those dignitaries are, what they care about, and what they tend to do with hostages (you). 

If you’re a social worker in a country full of people that hate you. Are your parents wealthy? Then if you ever find yourself kidnapped then it’s probably because of money.

-Pay Attention
Once you’ve been kidnapped, you need to immediately calm down and open your eyes and ears if possible. Nostrils too.

If you’re being taken somewhere, try to figure out where. Count the number of turns, length of time between the turns, and the sound the engine is making. With a bit of knowledge about the area, you might be able to guess where they’re taking you, which could be useful information if you need to attempt an escape.

Pay attention to your kidnappers themselves. What do they look like? How do they talk? What brand of cigarettes are they extinguishing on your flesh? Do they make eye contact? Are they inclined to treat you like a human being? Or are you just an object for them? This can help you gauge their mood and ultimate motivation, in particular whether they need you dead or alive.

If this kidnapping goes on for some time, pay attention to patterns. Are your guards working on an obvious shift system? Are you always fed at the same time? If you’re ever released, this might be useful information to relay to the authorities to help rescue any other hostages.

And even if none of this information turns out to be practically useful, gathering it will serve one other important purpose: It will help to keep you sane. By giving yourself something to do, you’ll resist falling into a spell of hopelessness, which can do more damage than the kidnappers themselves.

Your greatest priority during the early stages of a kidnapping is to simply survive. Your chance of surviving a kidnapping tends to increase as time passes, so in the first few minutes and hours, don’t do anything to aggravate your kidnappers. Comply with their requests and, within reason, try to make their lives easier.

A related piece of advice: If you happen to have been kidnapped or held hostage with a group, you don’t want to be identified as the troublemaker. If anyone’s getting killed to prove the kidnappers are serious, it’s going to be that one hostage no one can stand. Can you stand the company of every other hostage in your party? Then watch out, because the irritating one is you.

– Become Their Friend

Ah…this on is very,very,important Abeg. As time passes, you’ll want to establish a rapport with your captors. The simple passage of time will be on your side here this is why it’s so important to survive those first few hours and days as continued exposure to you and your hilarious jokes,yab yourself,it will make you seem more like a human in their eyes.

You will still have to use a bit of guile while doing this. Your kidnappers will become suspicious of you if you appear overly cooperative or friendly, so work up to friendship slowly. Ask for a single, small favor first. Nothing suspicious.

Try asking for something like a blanket first. Not only will this make them sympathize with you as a human being (everyone gets cold), it will make bedtime a lot more fun.

-Fight For Your New Master

This is kind of a special case as far as kidnapping scenarios go, but it happens often enough that it deserves to be mentioned. If you happen to be a scientist or medically inclined, there’s an 80 percent chance that at some point in your career you will be kidnapped and forced to do something to save your family’s lives. Depending on how precious your family is to you -you’re going to have to decide for yourself what to do here. No one will judge you. My advice PICK YOUR FAMILY FIRST. If you’re a technicial specialist tikd to hack into your office files you better talk unless your Jack Bauer.

-Escape Is A Difficult Decision

Whether to escape or not is a personal decision, greatly influenced by your particular circumstances. Many experts insist you should never attempt it, citing statistics that your chances of survival are far greater by simply waiting for rescue or release. But this ignores the possibility that you’re being held by someone intent only on killing you. Assuming you’ve stayed calm throughout this ordeal, you’re going to be the best judge of the risks of escape versus the risks of staying put, and certainly a better judge than some yeye kidnapping expert.

Hope this helps people. As always please leave comments.

  1. Shelby says

    Great article! Your survival tips make alot of sense.

  2. qqqqqqw says

    I am a swords expert and I want to cut whoever wrote this sharbage in half.

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