Creepy Moment When Corpse Of 300 Year Old Child Saint Innocence Preseved In Wax Blinked In Front Of Tourists(Video)
The story of the corpse of a 300-year-old child saint Santa Inocencia said to have blinked in front of tourists is taking the internet by storm.
Video of the corpse, who is dressed in a white ceremonial gown, has since been viewed over 700,000 times on YouTube – with viewers divided on whether paranormal activity is at work or the incident is a hoax

The incident happened in Mexico recently at the Cathedral of Guadalajara where she is kept.
The legend of Santa Inocencia, whose name translates to St Innocent, includes a tale of a young girl who is killed by her father after taking Holy Communion.
The story suggests that her father banned her from becoming Catholic, but the girl ran away and joined the religion after befriending a nun.
On returning home after her Holy Communion ceremony, it is claimed her father attacked her – plunging a knife into her chest.
The girl’s body was later taken to the Cathedral where it remained as a sign of her love for the Eucharist.
Her body was treated with wax and laid to rest in the cathedral.
But recently, a visitor to the site decided to film the corpse and he caught the moment when her eyes Allegedly appeared to open.
He said that he didn’t realise what happened until later on when he showed the footage to his family.
Take a look at the video below and judge for yourself.
I have watched the video over and over. I didn’t see any blinking o.
I swear it blinked.
Toh. I looked and looked didn’t see it o?
If to say she get up we for no need all the argument #iswear
It blinked joor.
Opened and closed…looks altered tho.
It did blinked.
I think it kinda looks like resemble a very little tiny blink.