Reasons Why Good Employees Quit Their Job


Working in Nigeria can be sickening and frustrating. Whether you’re fed up with tyrannical bosses or frustrated by low salaries, the truth remains that half of employees in Nigeria are satisfied with their jobs. A fifth of people are so disenchanted with their current work situation they’re planning to quit in the next year. Some of these disgruntled worker bees may be chronic complainers and slackers, but some are likely good employees who are secretly plotting their escape from the office, unbeknownst to their boss.

Turnover of any kind is expensive for businesses. Replacing a departing employee costs 21% of their annual salary on average. For high-level jobs requiring specific skills, the cost of replacing someone who quits can be much greater. Considering that nearly 3 million Nigerians – or 2% of the workforce — quit their jobs in April 2016 alone, companies are spending a lot of money to replace employees, at least some of whom are probably star performers who might have been persuaded to stay if working conditions were different.

What’s driving good employees to seek their fortunes elsewhere? A desire to switch careers, big life changes like a move or the birth of a child, or a can’t-miss opportunity all trigger resignations. But for many people, quitting has everything to do with the job itself. From low salaries to incompetent bosses, here are seven reasons why good employees leave their jobs.

1. They’re not getting paid enough

Stagnant wages are the number-one reason people quit their jobs, a survey of nearly 10,000 working adults in eight different countries, including Nigeria, found. Roughly three-quarters of people said minimal or non-existent wage increases would cause them to dust off their resume.

2. They can’t get ahead

After meager raises, not having opportunities for advancement was the second-most-common reason people had for quitting their jobs. Seventy-four percent of people said they’d start looking for a new position if they felt they’d hit the ceiling at their current company. A slim chance of a promotion was more likely to bother parents than childless workers.

3. They’re overworked

The 9-5 grind is a thing of the past. The average Nigerian now works 47 hours per week,i.e thirty-nine percent of people are working more than 50 hours per week, including 18% who regularly log 60 hours or more at the office. The long hours are taking a toll. Just over 70% of people said excessive overtime would cause them to quit. The most competent employees may be the most likely to be burning the midnight oil –studies have shown the best workers end up picking up the slack for everyone else, and they’re not always happy about it.

4. They hate their boss

“People don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses,” or so the saying goes. Surveys suggest this isn’t just a business cliché. Half of Nigerians have quit a job at some point in their career because they couldn’t stand their manager. What makes people dislike their boss? Not being open to questions, not setting clear performance goals, and not focusing on employees’ strengths are all indications of a bad manager.How Much Money Does the Average Nigerian Have in Their Bank Account?
5. They’re unhappy with senior management

Sometimes management problems go deeper than a conflict with your immediate supervisor. Forty-one percent of more than 10,000 recent job changers surveyed by LinkedIn said they’d left their old job because they weren’t disenchanted with the leadership of senior management. 

6. They’re bored

Top-performing employees need to be challenged in their work. If people aren’t engaged creatively and don’t have a chance to develop their skills, they’re more likely to get restless and start looking for a more stimulating job. Ten percent of workers in 2014 said boredom caused good employees to quit. Young people were especially likely to switch jobs because they wanted more challenging work, according to the LinkedIn survey. Forty-three percent of millennials who’d recently changed jobs said they’d done so because they wanted to push themselves in their career.

7. Their accomplishments are ignored

Fewer than a third of people feel strongly valued at work, which helps companies monitor employee engagement, found. A lack of recognition is driving people to look for work at companies that trumpet their employees’ successes. Thirty-two percent of recent job changers surveyed by LinkedIn said they’d moved on because they didn’t feel their contributions were being recognized or rewarded.

  1. Lionheart says

    Noted, thanks.

  2. Mannyxander says

    It all boils down to a bad economy.

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