Ghanaian Pastor Claims He Has Anointing To Enlarge Penis With Just a Touch


bishop-daniel-obinimThe founder of the International God’s Way Church, Ghana, Bishop Daniel Obinim, surprised his congregation when he asserted that he can enlarge penises and a woman’s buttocks with just a touch.

He mentioned this in a live video obtained from YouTube, claiming that he has the power to solve any issue relating to the human body.

“If you do not like the looks of any part of your body, come to me, what do you want that I can’t offer?

“If you want big buttocks, I can do it for you, if you want big breasts, I can help.

“If you have a small manhood, I can change them all when I come to the spiritual realm.”

In the video footage, Obinim was seen touching the penis of the men in his church, while muttering some words.

1 Comment
  1. Bomi says

    Lool… Lord have mercy

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