Drama Unfolds As Kenyan Pastor Storms Mortuary To Resurrect Dead Wife [Photos]


Drama unfolded at Gakwegori Funeral Home on the outskirts of Embu Town Wednesday, when a group of faithful, belonging to a little known denomination, stormed the mortuary in an attempt to bring back to life one of their members, who had died on Sunday, March 26.

Pastor Robinson Karumba, the husband of the deceased Dollyrose Ng’endo, 38, said they were responding to the biblical calling, where Jesus brought Lazarus back to life after four days of lifelessness.

Camping outside Gakwegori Funeral Home, Pastor Karumba of Eagle Winners Prophetic Ministry claimed that at 3pm Wednesday, March 29, his wife of over 20 years was going to resurrect, expressing belief that his prayer would be answered by God. That did not happen.

Mr Karumba dismissed his wife’s funeral arrangements set for Saturday, April 1, at Rwika in Mbeere Sub-County, saying the woman’s family on that day “will be rejoicing with her”.

“My daughter, this morning, enquired if her mother will be returning home today (March 29). I told her, yes,” said Mr Karumba.

The faithful successfully managed to convince the morgue attendants to allow them ‘resurrect’ their loved one. They animatedly churned gospel songs inside the morgue, next to Ng’endo’s motionless body.

Mortuary attendants, Gladys Murugi and Lawrence Karuco, watched from a distance, while coming to terms with the bizarre happenings inside the morgue.

Ms Mutugi explained that Ng’endo’s body was brought on Sunday, March 26, afternoon, after which they conducted the normal procedures of refrigeration and embalming.



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