Single Parenthood Is An Anomaly – Nigerian Mother

A bizarre post made by a Nigerian mother, Floxy Alaneme where she said that single parenthood is an anomaly and that people should say no to it has gone viral.
In her short admonition, she made it appear like single motherhood is a choice some women made, and not something that often happens as a result of life’s unforeseen circumstances.
She wrote:
“Motherhood is not about having sex , getting pregnant and bringing forth a baby after nine months
Motherhood is about loving someone and putting him/her ahead of all choices..
Single parenthood is an anomaly.
No child was conceived by a single parent
Every child has a mother and a father
Every child deserves to have a home with the a mother and a father
Let’s say
Let’s encourage every parent to be responsible and do the right thing for the sake of THE CHILD
What are your thoughts?