Touching Story Of Nigeria Woman Who Gave Away House Help Turned Daughter In Marriage After 17 Years Of Service

The touching story of a Nigerian woman Ada Ujaligwa whom God used to change the life of a beautiful young woman, Ngozi has gone viral.
According to Ada’s story, Ngozi had come to her as an impoverished house girl to help with chores in her house when she had her first baby in 2000. It didn’t take time to notice that Ngozi was a loyal and humble lady who did her service dutifully and open-heartedly.
Ada and her husband decide to take Ngozi as their own daughter and even helped her with school up to university level. In all their endeavours, the supposed house help remained loyal and faithful to the family.
4 years after she joined the Ujaligwas’ , the family decided to relocate to Ireland. But this was not before Ada legally adopted her as her daughter, thereby granting her same rights as her own biological children.
The family moved to Ireland together after the rigorous adoption process and Ngozi continued her education while staying loyal to Ada’s family. She also with the help of the Ujaligwas’ became an Irish citizen.
Few days ago, Ngozi got married in a lavish wedding ceremony where an overjoyed Ada gave her away. Read their inspiring story as told by Ada below:
She came into my home in peace as a house help …. She sowed peace and became my legally adopted daughter …. She left my home in peace as a bride… We remained united all through the 17 years we spent together….. Seeds of discord never succeeded in being sowed by people who wanted to tear us apart…. It brought tears to my eyes seeing her walk out of my home in dignity, love, peace and joy on the day she got married…. And I bless God for everything…. Amen.
She was advised not to trust us and to run away as soon as we brought her abroad….. She vehemently refused to reward the confidence we had bestowed upon her with evil…. We fastidiously refused to leave her loyalty unrewarded…. She was committed to providing us with robust domestic support and we were passionate about ensuring that she became successful in life….. God blessed our intentions towards one another…. It took 17 years…. But today it is a reality….. To God be all the glory Amen
If she had run away and followed some useless man prematurely, would she be here today??? Would she be enjoying all the benefits she has now??? Mbaaaaa….. She would probably have ended up with an unwanted pregnancy, frustrated and bitter.
Impatient youths of nowadays…. Pls learn from Ngozi Udenwa….. Learn to be humble and patient for your time to come…. Wait for the seeds sown into your life to bear good fruits…. Persevere in doing good so that you will eat of the fruits there of….. It ALWAYS pays to do good…. If not today then certainly tomorrow.
God help us all Amen
Copyright Oliaku Njeze Eneh 2017
In another post Ada continued:
….. After many years of serving my kids and I, it was our turn to serve her….. My daughter Nnemma and I were both very delighted to stoop to help Ngozi Udenwa put on her wedding shoes on the happiest day of her life….. It was indeed a great honour to serve one who served us selflessly in all patience and humility….. Heavenly father we bow down and worship you for this wonderful opportunity you gave both my adopted daughter Ngozi and I….. Chineke daalu…..Amen!!!
We got on so well, any misunderstanding we had during the 17 years we spent together was always swiftly and successfully addressed without anyone of us damaging our relationship irrevocably….. Infact we grew closer as the years passed by…. And inspite of that, she remained deeply respectful of my husband and I and never took our closeness for granted ….. Thank you Jesus!!!!
Today she has become more successful than so many young people her age who grew up with their biological parents and lived privileged lives….. Many of them cannot afford the privileged lifestyle Ngozi now lives because many of them did not have the humility and patience to serve when they were called to do so….. They scrunched up their faces at the notion of serving anyone and their parents allowed them to carry on with their haughty and proud ways while defending their foolishness….. Sometimes biological parents do a lot of harm to their kids without realising it….. In overprotecting them from perceived or imagined harm, they prevent them from making good progress in life….. I am sure that many biological parents would be loathe to allow their kids serve others like Ngozi served us…. Without having the foresight to behold the glory that comes with serving others with humility and patience.
Dear parents…. Pls allow your children to serve others with patience and humility whenever the need arises…. It comes with a whole lot of reward and glory….. Through the grace, mercy and favour of God Amen…. Chineke Daalu
God help us all Amen
Copyright Oliaku Njeze Eneh 2017@TheEssenceOfOliaku
Photos from the wedding below: