Man Pens Down A Hilarious Note To His Pregnant Dog


Jimmy Peralta, a heartbroken social-media user took to instagram to pen down a hilarious note to his dog who had a pregnancy photoshoot, shortly after she made a ‘wrong decision’ of giving her body and soul to the dog next door.

Man pens down a hilarious note to his pregnant dog who made a wrong decision lailasnews

The man who said he will be present to support his dog through labour, said she made a wrong decision at such a young age. His hilarious post read;

Man pens down a hilarious note to his dog who made a wrong decision lailasnews 1

Man pens down a hilarious note to his pregnant dog who made a wrong decision lailasnews 1

Man pens down a hilarious note to his pregnant dog who made a wrong decision lailasnews 5

However he went private after the post went viral, saying his dog wants her privacy to be respected.

Man pens down a hilarious note to his pregnant dog who made a wrong decision lailasnews 2


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