Nigerian Delights: Five Must-Try Flavours, Dishes, And Delicacies


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Home to over 250 ethnic groups who speak some 520 languages, Nigeria is one of the most diverse countries in Africa, and perhaps even in the world. This vibrancy seeps deep into our myriad of culinary traditions.

In celebration of this, Google Arts & Culture launched a brand new project that pays tribute to Nigeria’s exciting and diverse food culture. Come Chop Bellefull: A Taste of Nigeria showcases Nigeria-inspired flavours, culinary traditions, and food-related content in glorious detail. Below, we’ve pulled out a selection of classic flavours, dishes and delicacies, from Taste of Nigeria, for you to try for yourself.

  1. Mama Ashake’s recipes – Mama Ashake runs Ashake’s Kitchen and is known for serving Yoruba food in her northern home. From jollof to Èwà Àgòyìn and Òfadà stew, in this article Mama Ashake shares what makes her cuisine so memorable.

  1. Tundun Tejuoso’s tea recipes – Tundun Tejuoso is the custodian of the Jazzhole, the offspring of one of Nigeria’s most iconic book and record stores – Glendora Books. She’s also a tea fan. Taste of Nigeria convinced her to share the recipes to two of her favourite teas – Tiger nut milk (or Kunun Aya) and fresh lemongrass tea.

  1. Aju Mbaise: soup for healing – Aju Mbaise pepper soup is a soup made in Igboland using tree bark and leaves. It is traditionally given to nursing mothers to help them regain nutrients lost and is also said to be good for weight loss and fertility. Find out how to make it here.

  1. Twenty-five food items you can find at Mararaba Market – Mararaba Market, Nasarawa state, is arguably the largest market in Northern Nigeria. For Nigerians looking for fresh produce, the market is a reliable source of affordable, good quality vegetables in large quantities. For a glimpse of what you can expect to find, visit the visual collection on Taste of Nigeria.

  2. Seven things you thought you knew about Zobo – Zoborodo is the Hausa word for Hibiscus Sabdariffa an edible plant that is used to make the refreshing drink Zobo.  From parties to ceremonies to ‘just because’, Zobo is a firm favourite on any occasion. Find out everything you didn’t know about how it’s made and what goes into here.

  3. Ogi: the local custard of many colours – Ogi is the Yoruba name for pap, called ‘akamu’ by the Igbo and is a simple breakfast meal. It is made from fermented corn – white corn, yellow corn and guinea corn. The different corns used result in different colours of Ogi. While simple to make, Ogi need to be done right – find out how here.

  1. Three delicious delicacies from the North of Nigeria – Northern Nigerian is known for its gruels, staple fufu and soups. Find out here how to make Kunun Gyada (light porridge), Miyan Karkashi (a popular delicacy) and Tuwo Masara (a corn staple) and treat yourself or your friends to a feast.

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