UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has been involved in a car crash outside the Parliament on Wednesday afternoon.
Johnson had just left the gates of the Palace of Westminster and onto Parliament Square in Westminster when a Brexit protester ran out into the road and leaped in front of his £54,000 Jaguar car.
The driver applied a sudden break, forcing the security vehicle following behind to hit the Prime Minister’s vehicle.
This left a visible dent on the back of the Prime Minister’s Jaguar.

Downing Street has confirmed the Prime Minister was in the car at the time of the incident but was unscathed.
Photographs from the scene of the accident showed a man being tackled to the ground and detained by several police officers.
Shortly after being taken into the Palace of Westminster, Metropolitan Police confirmed that they have arrested the man for obstructing the highway.
Anti-Brexit demonstrator Steve Bray who captured the incident on camera, tweeted;
Boris Johnson in car crash at Parliament. Just now. Security drives into back of his car as Kurdish protester runs into road.
Bois Johnson in car crash at Parliament. Just now. Security drives into back of his car as Kurdish protester runs into road.
— Steve Bray #HoldThemToAccount (@snb19692) June 17, 2020