Big Brother Titans: Marvin, Yaya Eliminated

Maya, a team that consist of Nigeria’s Marvin and South Africa’s Yaya have been eliminated from the ongoing Big Brother Titans competition.
Their elimination is coming on Sunday, February 19 during the live eviction show.

Following the recent elimination of team Maya from the competition, there are now 16 contestants remaining in the house, which means there are eight teams left in the house.
ALSO READ: Big Brother Titans: Khosi Turns Down Miracle’s Relationship Proposal
Recall that the pairs, YeLisa, and KanAiva, JuVonne, KhosiCle and BlaqLeng were nominated for eviction on Monday.
The Head of House, Thabana had saved the ‘Royals from nomination.
Here is how the elimination process took place last Monday,
Kaniva nominated Juvone, Juiovla
Maya nominated Kaniva, Khosicle
Royals nominated Blaqleng, Kaniva
Juvone nominated Blaqleng, Royals
Yelisa nominated Kaniva, Blaqleng
Juiovla nominated Khosicle, Blaqleng
Blaqleng nominated Yelisa, Juvone
Khosicle nominated Blaqleng, Maya
Thabana nominated Maya, Yelisa
ALSO READ: Big Brother Titans: Biggie Punishes Five Housemates For Breaking Rules
Last week, the Jenni O and Mmeli were evicted from the show.
There are now 16 contestants competing for the $100,000 grand prize.