FG, ASUU Hold Talks to Avert Strike Action



The Federal Government has commenced negotiations with the leadership of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) as part of efforts to avert a proposed strike by the union.

Speaking at the end of the meeting which held behind closed doors at the Federal Ministry of Education in Abuja, the Minister of Education, Professor Tahir Mamman expressed optimism that all issues raised will be amicably resolved.

The President of ASUU, Prof. Emmanuel Osodoke, on his part said the proposed strike by the union can be averted if words are matched with action.

ASUU had threatened to embark on a nationwide strike in protest over their demands on staff welfare and other administrative matters.

They accused the Federal Government of refusing to address all outstanding issues with the union which includes removal from IPPIS, renegotiation of the 2009 FGN/ASUU agreement, demand for all the backlog of Earned Academic Allowance (EAA) and all the outstanding salaries, among others.


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