Fouani Brothers Rescued By Lagos Police After Kidnapping Ordeal



The Lagos State Police Command has confirmed the successful rescue of the abducted Fouani brothers and two others. This comes after a week-long ordeal that gripped the Lagos business community.

Managing Director of Fouani Nigeria Ltd, Mohamed Fouani, along with his brothers Abbas, Youssef, and Amtal, were taken on Friday evening, June 10th, along the Lagos waterway. Reports indicated the kidnappers demanded a ransom of $1.5 million.

A spokesperson for the Lagos State Police Command, Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the rescue in a text message to reporters on Tuesday, June 18th. Details surrounding the operation and the condition of the rescued individuals remain scarce.

“The abducted Fouani brothers and two others have been rescued,” Hundeyin’s message stated.

Hundeyin said the victims have since been taken to their residence.

“They were rescued late last night in Orugbo Iddo. Our marine police with the support of the Nigerian Navy brought them to shore,” Hundeyin said.

“Thereafter, our tactical team in the area took them home on Banana Island in the early hours of today.

“Five of them, three Lebanese, the boat captain and his assistant.”

The kidnapping sparked outrage and concern over rising insecurity in Lagos, particularly amongst business owners. The successful rescue offers a sigh of relief, but questions linger.

Authorities have not yet disclosed the circumstances surrounding the rescue or the fate of the kidnappers. Investigations are likely to continue to determine the motive behind the abduction and apprehend those responsible.

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