NLC Waits on Minimum Wage Decision by President Tinubu


Labour NLC

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) is holding off on potential strike action regarding the national minimum wage, according to a statement made by NLC President Joe Ajaero at the International Labour Conference in Geneva on Tuesday.

Ajaero confirmed that two reports have been submitted to President Bola Tinubu. One report reflects the NLC’s proposed minimum wage of N250,000, while the other details the government and employers’ proposal of N62,000.

The NLC President emphasized that the union will not take any action until President Tinubu makes a decision. “The NLC will wait for the next line of action based on how the President handles this matter,” Ajaero stated.

This suggests a cautious approach by the NLC. While they clearly maintain their stance on a significantly higher minimum wage, they seem willing to engage in further discussions based on President Tinubu’s response.

The NLC’s National Executive Council will convene once the President’s decision is known. Their next steps, including potential industrial action, will depend on the outcome of that meeting.

This development comes amidst rising inflation and concerns about the cost of living in Nigeria. The NLC argues that the proposed N62,000 minimum wage is insufficient to meet the basic needs of Nigerian workers.

It remains to be seen how President Tinubu will address the significant gap between the proposed figures. His decision is likely to have a major impact on industrial relations and the well-being of Nigerian workers.

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