Peter Obi Clarifies Obidient Movement’s Independence from Political Parties


Peter Obi

In a tweet issued on Wednesday, former presidential candidate Peter Obi categorically stated that the Obidient Movement is not affiliated with any particular political party. Peter Obi emphasized that the movement operates independently and its membership is not limited to any specific political affiliation.

The clarification comes amidst claims by some individuals purporting to be leaders of a “directorate” within the Obidient Movement. Obi dismissed these claims, stating that such individuals are not part of the broader movement.

Part of the X thread reads, “I like to categorically state that the Obidient Movement is not directorate of any particular political party. Any individual or individuals claiming to be leaders of this non-existent directorate are simply not members of the broader Obidient Movement.

“Let this serve as a clarification that the Obidient Movement operates independently of any political party, and its membership is not limited to any particular affiliation.

“Our focus remains steadfast on driving positive change and promoting a New Nigeria for all. This is who we are and will remain for all time.”

The Obidient Movement, which emerged during Obi’s presidential campaign, has gained significant traction and popularity among Nigerians. The movement’s focus on driving positive change and promoting a new Nigeria for all has resonated with many citizens.

By reaffirming the movement’s independence, Obi is likely seeking to maintain the Obidient Movement’s integrity and prevent any political co-option. The statement also serves as a reminder that the movement’s goals transcend partisan politics, prioritizing instead the collective aspirations of Nigerians for a better future.

Obi’s clarification has been met with widespread support from Obidient Movement followers, who have praised his commitment to the movement’s core principles. As the political landscape continues to evolve, the Obidient Movement’s independence and focus on positive change are likely to remain a significant force in shaping Nigeria’s future.

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