Strike Suspended! NLC, TUC Resume Negotiations With Govt After Five Days



Organised Labour, comprising the Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress, suspended their strike for five days, a leader of the NLC told the PUNCH in Abuja.

The Centres are expected to issue a statement shortly before the commencement of negotiations with the government.

After a six-hour meeting with the leadership of organised labour in Abuja, the Federal Government expressed the commitment of President Bola Tinubu to raising the N60,000 offered as the minimum wage.

The agreement stated, “The President of Nigeria, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, is committed to establishing a National Minimum Wage higher than N60,000; and the Tripartite Committee will convene daily for the next week to finalise an agreeable National Minimum Wage.”

The organised labour also agreed to “immediately hold meetings of its organs to consider this new offer, and no worker would face victimisation as a consequence of participating in the industrial action.”

These resolutions were signed on behalf of the Federal Government by Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, and Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha.


1 Comment
  1. Bomi says

    Hmm … Two wrongs don’t make a Right. So because the NLC couldn’t have their way,they misuse their power and influence to Put a muzzle on Nigerians and disturbed the little peace we have ⁉️

    I don’t think the FG should negotiate with these bunch of Crooks. In fact I think The FG should declare them A Domesti© T€®®!$t group for holding Nigerians h0$t@ge, h!j@©k!ng the Economy, shutting down the National Grid, and using poor defenseless oppressed Nigerian masses as a bargaining Chip…
    In fact I support the motions that everyone involved in the shutting down of the National Grid should be imprisoned for crime against humanity.
    General hospital and government hospitals were forced to start transferring high risk patients, patients were turned back From the hospital from received treatments, lives were lost and lives were put at risk, because of the Blackout. Lives, because of the greed of some who wants a bite at the national cake at the detriment of Nigerians.

    And nobody should come with the cock and Bull story about the electricity Tariffs was also part of their actions. That’s a lie from the pit of H3LL, they used that as disguise to involve the masses into their greedy plans.
    One thing is certain, NLC only Care about themselves and it’s high time Nigerians rise against their influence on the culture.

    Lastly I think FG should layoff 60-70% of the workforce because they are all surplus to requirements. It’s been reported that majority of the workforce/civil servants see their duties as side hustle and most of the time never show up for work. The ministries are all in shambles and yet they are demanding outrageous pay increments. FG should stand their ground and make it clear if they increase salaries, there will be Mass Exodus in the workforce to keep the economy afloat.
    And to those yapping about how Nigeria has the lowest minimum wage compared to other oil producing country, I ask y’all to present the countries GDP, their number of workforce, and population.

    And again NLC should be declared a Domesti© T€®®!$t organization and everyone involved in the National Grid shutdown should be arrested and imprisoned because that actions of theirs is no different from any T€®®!$t groups who have used poor defenseless oppressed masses to create m@¥h£m in the name of fighting for justice. And One thing a Smart and Great government or leaders should never do is negotiate with T€®®!$t.


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