Drama At Morgue As 4 Women Fight For Body Of Man They Claim Was Their Husband


Drama At Morgue As 4 Women Fight For Body Of Man They Claim Was Their Husband

There was drama at a morgue on Wednesday after four women engaged in a rhubarb over the body of a man they each claimed was their husband.

According to reports, four women-Janet Wambui, Lydia Wanjiru, Susan Wakuthii (while the fourth’s identity is yet to be established), made their way to Kirinyaga County Funeral Parlour in Kenya to claim the body of one Peter Mwangi Gichobi, who was a boda boda rider.

Peter Mwangi Gichobi, the deceased was a 32-year old taxi driver aka boda boda operator that died in a road accident on Nyangati-Embu road a month ago.

Drama At Morgue As 4 Women Fight For Body Of Man They Claim Was Their Husband

The drama in the morgue pulled the attention of a crowd who gathered at the mortuary, watching as the ladies fought and tried to convince people that they were his lawful wife. The alleged wives were separated by police officers from Kerugoya police post who intervened in the matter.

The deceased is said to have had a son with each of the women. However, the mortuary had stated the death certificate would be given to the deceased’s next of kin who was his uncle.

Kanyekiini MCA, Harrison Ngiria, had promised the enraged ladies that they would be included during the distribution of the ‘wealth‘ left by the man.

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