Why Women Think About Money More Than Sex


images-3Men think more about sex than money. Women think more about money than sex and that will never change.

Now, why do men think more about sex than money? Thats easy, because they can afford to. Women can’t.

In a “man’s world” most women worry that they won’t be financially independent. Because they worry about risk, women tend to invest too much in highly conservative investments such as certificates of deposit, savings accounts and bonds. They instinctively favor those investments over riskier stock investments because they know how they work, and they are afraid to take risks that may cost them money.

But risk isn’t their biggest problem – inflation is. Assuming it takes N500,000 a year to live today, it will take N700,000 in ten years, and N1,000,000 in twenty- five years. Women live longer than men do, so they’ll experience even higher living expenses as the years roll on.

Because they live longer, women will need far greater retirement income than men, yet on average they receive 30% less in work benefits. Their lower wages and time off from work to raise kids reduce their benefits. With lower earnings, they have less disposable income, and so they start saving for retirement later. And often they work at jobs that don’t provide large retirement benefits, or they don’t take advantage of retirement plans offered to them.

The best way to become financially independent is to save at least 10% of what you make for your future. Pay down debt, then begin investing money in a retirement plan, allocating the investment to stocks, not guaranteed income investments.

Periodically, sit down and take stock of your progress. As your investments grow, so will your self-confidence and satisfaction with your financial well-being.

1 Comment
  1. Bomi says

    Facts of life…
    Women are best savers, investors and managers of money…

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